DALTON: 'Best Of Dalton – 25th Anniversary 1987 - 2012' - The Comeback - Reunion" DALTON
- the signature of classy guitar as well as keyboard driven 1980's Melodic
Hardrock from Sweden. Originally formed in late 1985 by the ex. TREAT drummer Mats "Dalton" Dahlberg and his nick-name became the
monicker of the new band. Signed to EMI Sweden, the band released two fluffy melodic albums "The Race Is On" (1987) and "Injection" (1989) and toured intensely all over Sweden, before they decided to hang up their boots and give the hairspray cans a well deserved rest in the
early nineties. Are you looking forward to your gig with Scorpions in Sandviken/Sweden on December 8th? It was 20 years ago we stood on a stage together, it's amazing, but a little exciting what will happen, we're looking forward to it VERY MUCH :-)
Why the Dalton reunion at this particular time? instead of say... 10 years ago? A year ago we were contacted by a TV production company, sto/cph, who wanted to gather the original band and make a documentary series/movie about Dalton's reunion, we thought it was a funny idea and since then we have filmed everything from the first meeting until today, we'll see what happens with that ...... :-) this led to an opening act for the Scorpions, December 8th in Sandviken, and a Best Of album, which our old record label EMI Music releases the December 5. EMI are now releasing 'Best Of Dalton – 25th Anniversary 1987 - 2012',- any plans on the brand new Dalton album? We have started working on some new material, and even found some old demos that may be worthwhile to look through ....... but nothing is decided about that yet.
Did the record company interfere with your "sound/songs" on your two albums? (The Race Is On, Injection) We had great producers on both discs, Mats "Bacon" Olausson at The Race is on, and Pelle Blom on Injection, and they both knew exactly how they wanted it, "Bacon" called in Tommy Nilsson and Matti Alfonzetti on choirs, and Pelle rented the same studio he had recorded John Norum’s guitars in to get a particular sound. The record company was careful when picking the singles to be released. And how did you get hold of Bon Jovi/Sambora/Child as well as Michael Bolton written material for your 1987 debut? We had the same publishers they had at that time, and found some songs that were unreleased, recorded a demo on them, and got permission from the songwriters to make them on the disc (Ed's note: Dalton recorded the original and first official released version of "You're Not My Lover" in 87. Witness did their version the following year -88). What kind of initial budget(s) are we talking about and did you spend anything on useless equipment and other nonsense? I do not exactly remember the economic part, but I think the studio we recorded in cost almost 2000Skr per hour. And with the technology of the future, it was not a fast recording like today’s computer things... everything was done in real-time. Everything I earned went to live life, and I do not have any regrets ;-) If there's anything you'd like to add, say, please do: Spread the
news.... cheers!!
Interview by: Urban "Wally" Wallstrom,