
01. Greener
02. Triple X
03. Hot Stage Lights
04. Stray Kitten Burns
05. Cindy
06. Treasure Girl
07. Enough Rope
08. Solid Gold
09. Distance Of Love
10. Vain
11. Worship You

2011 MusicBuyMail

Check out songs at the above links. 
Produced, Mixed and Mastered by Davy Vain.



"All About The Album - 15 Questions" - the Q&A section at the RockUnited site where a recording artist with recently released CD is confronted with the 'album'  questions (15 of them, duh!). If you'd like to have your material here, email: urban "at" (simply replace "at" with your standard @ )

VAIN: "Enough Rope"

VAIN - formed in the San Francisco Bay Area during the late eighties (their debut was released by Island Records in 1989), the glammy sleaze rockers are (still) showing us 'no respect'  (the press and pompous wannabees???) as they're back with a brand new release. If you've been out of the loop for a while, read on, and find out more about their spanking new album, here's: DAVY VAIN.

How has the reaction to your latest CD been?

Great So far but a lot more people still have to hear it .

How long did this CD take to make from start to finish, recording-wise?

Well its been a long process some of the newest tracks were done pretty fast but we started the first tracks over a year ago and we had some big breaks .. I think its cool because each set of songs about 3 per session have a fresh feel

What kind of 'sound', production wise, did you have in the back of your mind, prior to entering the studio?

Just always what big vintage tones with lots of anolog and vintage gear being used and I always sing on all vintage mics and mic pre amps.

What kind of input did the producer have during the process?

I'm the producer, so A lot! 

And are you pleased with the final outcome? (sound - production wise)

Yes as much as one can be, its just done so there's so many little decisions on what mix, moves or vocals performances, too raw not raw enough and on and on, so I'm still listening to it like that, but I’m very happy and no one else can hear that. I think its some of the best stuff I have done.

Did the producer (you) use any (weird) experimental miking and/or recording techniques?

Well I used a really old Neve mic pre that was a prototype and never put in to production I tried it on some other singers I was working with and I liked it but I preferred my 70ties Neve that’s kind of the classic! Well I tried the prototype on my vocal and loved it! It sounded like me live and really worked well on my voice... its on every song pretty much.

How did you go on about capturing your 'live sound' in the studio, or perhaps you didn't

We don't worry about that, like I said I wanted the vocals to have that energy and we always record the drums in a big live room, but I never have a problem doing it again live ...

Please inform us about your favourite songs and lyrical highlights and why?

'Greener' is one of my favs I wrote the lyrics walking around the streets of Paris with a lot of heavy shit going on. When I got in the studio and tracked the song it came out just like I wanted it to, and after I cut the vocal all the bad feeling I had about that day were all gone and instead a new song was born... 

Any overall theme of mood that you're trying to capture while writing songs?

Just a mode and vibe with a lot of intensity, just really sing the songs like they were first created. My first impression is always best. That's why I don't worry about being perfect on each note as much if the feeling is coming across right ..
Cindy and Worship are one take live off the floor. I could have fixed a note here or there but I like how real its sounds ..Anyone can be perfect in their bed room with pro tools but can they can't always move someone [Urban's note: That's so true! We're all fed up with the 'robotic' sound of pro-tools vocals anyhow].

Does your vision for coming up with music get affected at all by time?

Slower, I don't write as many songs as I used to, or Im am more picky now.. I have written so many songs over the years , I mean hundreds! So it comes a bit slower then before but when I'm on to something I still get super excited as when I wrote some of my first songs.

Did the record company interfere with anything on your "sound" and songs?

No, the main people I work with know all my stuff and are fans as well as professionals, so we are all on the same wave length. In fact, they help me not overlook things I might have got bored of and don't want to use.

Are there any 'crazy' behind the scenes anecdotes from these sessions that you can share with us?

Not any legal ones so I can't put it in print!

How would you describe the sound of your new CD to any potential new fan?

Real, honest, intense, original, personal. 

Who are your influences and heroes? (music-wise)


If there's anything you'd like to add, say, please do:


Interview by: Urban "Wally" Wallstrom,
Photos from the band's website
(c) 2011 RockUnited.Com - Contact or simply send your answers to above address.