This is the place where you find not only all the reviews featured on the site (dating back to our previous name ""), but also all of those hundreds of reviews from the previous websites we used to run.

The reviews of 2004 and forward are currently archived only by the review date. Use the "Find" function to search for what you are looking for!

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Reviews of 2010 - Quick index

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Reviews of 2008 - Quick index

Reviews of 2007 - Quick index

Reviews of 2006 - Quick index

Reviews of 2005 - Quick index

Reviews of 2004 - Quick index

All the older reviews are in the Archives.
Here they are in alphabetical order, please choose a letter:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



LATEST REVIEWS (aka "The Reviews Blog"):
Just like the title suggests, on this page you'll find the very latest reviews, and this page is updated constantly. Were faster than most and always brutally honest when it comes to opinions, yet we never slag anyone off just for the sake of it. This is currently the place for all the reviews, also the demos that used to go to...

A section reserved for showcasing unsigned talent to the public. The Dept. has been closed as such, but if you have a melodic rock/metal band that you think deserves more attention, do send us a demo and we'll review it among the other stuff.

If you have material that you'd like us to review, drop us a line via e-mail to
We prefer real CD's, and have only limited time for downloading stuff.

DIG'EM UP: (not currently updated)
This is the place for those obscure CD's that we think have been criminally ignored. Undiscovered gems worth digging up!